
For us gamers, excitement and adrenaline are crucial to winning. That’s all we want to do, right? Win that match. But when your body isn’t in peak condition due to lack of sleep, the only thing that you can do is get more. Incorporating calming drinks might seem counterintuitive, but as gaming evolves, so does understanding the importance of relaxation and well-being for better gameplay. Calming drinks are becoming essential for gamers, enhancing our performance and overall experience.

Many drinks can help you sleep. Other than sipping Nyquil or alcohol when you’re desperate for some shut-eye - which we don’t recommend - home remedies such as warm milk, herbal teas like Sleepytime®, and even staying well-hydrated throughout the day are popular go-to bedtime drinks for insomniacs. Outside of drinks, melatonin supplements are a best-selling category, even though this pro hormone loses effectiveness over time.


Why Nighttime Drinks for Gamers Are a Must

Gaming marathons can lead to stress and fatigue. Not only is poor sleep quality a common issue with gamers, but the addition of constant stimulation and even rage puts tremendous strain on your body due to the increased, prolonged levels of stress hormones in your system.

Creating (and sticking to) a better bedtime routine can help counteract the adverse effects of stress. In addition to decreasing the health-reducing impacts of artificial blue light (which our lens technology can do, of course!), incorporating bedtime drinks can be an essential tool in your gamer wellness arsenal.


Our Favorite Calming Ingredients

The following is a list of our favorite calming ingredients. All of them come in tea or powder form, so they can be added to your preferred beverages. 


Ashwagandha Root 

Ashwagandha root is classified as an adaptogen. In herbal medicine, adaptogens are plants that help the body adapt to stress. This effect can help reduce stress-related hormones, but in turn, can also increase stamina and energy.1 The balancing effect of ashwagandha makes it a popular herb. And we’re all about balance–after all, we stand by our motto “play hard, sleep hard.” 

Valerian Root

Known for the sedative effect that can help mild to moderate insomnia2, valerian root is well-tolerated and safe, making it a highly recommended plant by many herbal practitioners. Specific compounds in valerian can influence GABA receptors within the body.3 GABA serves as a key neurotransmitter in regulating sleep and augmenting the levels of accessible GABA in your body induces a sedative effect. So after hours of raging against other players, getting some valerian root in your system may be a welcome change for your body.


Chamomile is often considered a gentle sleep aid and relaxation-inducer. Part of its calming effects are attributed to a flavonoid called apigenin, which binds to specific receptors in the brain4 that induce sedation and muscle relaxation. Promising studies have shown that apigenin may improve next-day function as well.5 So not only will it help you wind down after you lost every match that night, but you may be able to play better the next day after taking apigenin.


First of all, up to 50% of the US population is deficient in magnesium.6 If you lay awake staring into the darkness like an owl, chances are high you’re deficient in magnesium. It may come as no surprise that there’s a strong correlation between magnesium deficiency and sleep disorders. Magnesium supplementation can improve sleep quality for many of us,7 even when we’re addicted to the latest edition of Diablo.


You can find l-theanine in black and green tea. It’s a great tool to keep you chill. But we don’t recommend drinking this type of tea before bed if you’re sensitive to caffeine. Instead, find l-theanine as an added ingredient to calming formulas. This nutrient promotes overall relaxation and can greatly enhance any nighttime calming drink to support a restful sleep.8

The Importance of ME Time For Gamers

Embracing wellness practices elevates the gaming experience to new heights. Calming drinks offer gamers an important part of their toolkit to combat stress, optimize focus, and enhance overall well-being. Enjoying a calminand g drink during gameplay can create a mindful gaming environment, allowing for a brief pause and centering oneself. This routine enables gamers to wind down effectively after gaming sessions, which improves recovery, sleep quality, and, ultimately, improves gaming performance. 

So, consider adding a calming drink to your setup for a better gaming experience. Better yet, check out the Gamer Advantage and ADVANCED GG drink, SLEEP, which includes our favorite calming ingredient to help you have the best night's rest that you can get. SLEEP can be your favorite gaming accessory. 


1Singh, N., et.al. An Overview on Ashwagandha: A Rasayana (Rejuvenator) of Ayurveda. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines: AJTCAM. 2011: 8(5 Suppl): 2080213

2Salter, S., Brownie,S. Treating primary insomnia - the efficacy of valerian and hops. National Library of Medicine. 2010 Jun;39(6):433-7.

3Bruni, O., et.al. Herbal Remedies and Their Possible Effect on the GABAergic System and Sleep. Nutrients. 2021 Feb: 13(2): 530.

4Srivastava, J., et.al. Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Mol Med Report. 2010 Nov 1; 3(6): 895-901.

5Salehi,Bahare, et. al., The Therapeutic Potential of Apigenin. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, Mar; 20(6): 1305, PubMed 2019, Mar 15.

6Karlovitch, Sara. Study: Half of All Americans are Magnesium Deficient. Pharmacy Times. Reference published review in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2020. EurekAlert.

7Nielsen, Forrest H., Relation between Magnesium Deficiency and Sleep Disorders and Associated Pathological Changes. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center, Grand Forks, ND, USA. ScienceDirect 2015, 291-296. 

8Nobre, Anna C. et. al. L-theanine, a natural constituent in tea, and its effects on mental state. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2008; 17 Suppl 1:167-8. NIH, PMID 18296328

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