Highlighting Deep Sleep

Continuing with our focus on sleep stages, this blog will focus on deep sleep and how it affects you. To help explain, we will rely on an article called “What Happens to Your Body During Deep Sleep” on WebMD by Keri Wiginton. We will begin by highlighting changes in your body when it enters deep sleep and note how it affects the immune system and brain. We will then outline what happens when enough deep sleep does not occur and how to increase your deep sleep. But understanding the value and purpose of the sleep stages, you may gain a greater understanding as to how Gamer Advantage glasses can have a positive impact on your life.


Changes In the Body

The first thing Wiginton mentions being associated with deep sleep (or slow wave sleep in this case) is a decrease in temperature and heat retention. Wiginton goes on to state that one theory suggests that this could be intended to help the body conserve and restore energy, but that “it’s also a cue from your internal body clock, or circadian rhythm, that it’s time to sleep.”

The next changes outlined in the article are changes to blood pressure, heart rate, and bone and muscle. Wiginton states that the body’s parasympathetic nervous system activates and is sometimes called the “rest and digest” network according to the article. The article also mentions that heart rate slows, and blood pressure can dip between 10% and 20%. Regarding bone and muscle, Wiginton notes, “Your pituitary gland sends out human growth hormone. That helps your body repair muscle and other issue.”

Finally, the last two topics of change in the body that are mentioned in the article are metabolism and energy levels. Regarding metabolism, Wiginton states that “You use less energy” and that “Experts think that’s so your body gets a chance to recover from the day.” In deep sleep, the article also mentions that ATP levels increase and that “Some experts think this surge is what restores your energy.” However, it is noted that more research is needed to be certain.

The Immune System and Your Brain

Many would likely say that sleep is beneficial to the immune system, and according to this article, it states that experts think sleep “jump-starts” it. Not only that, but interestingly, Wiginton states that “Research shows you get more deep sleep when you have an infection.”

Pertaining to the brain, the article mentions that brain waves get bigger and slower, and that less blood flows to your brain. Wiginton explains that in terms of less blood flow, “It leaves room for more cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to flow in and out. That’s the liquid that surrounds your brain and spinal cord.” Finally, it’s noted that the purpose of this, compared to being awake, “helps clear out more waste that can hurt your cells.”

Insufficient Deep Sleep and Getting More of It

In addition to noting that a lack of quality sleep in general is linked to mood disorders, migraines, heart disease, and obesity, Wiginton provides the below list of other health conditions to noted related to a lack of deep sleep:

  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes

 A few of Wiginton’s bullet points for getting more deep sleep are as follows:

  • Give yourself more time to sleep
  • Don’t drink caffeine late at night
  • Avoid alcohol before bed
  • Exercise regularly, but not right before bed

And of course, from a Gamer Advantage perspective, our glasses can help as well. We hope this helped you further understand the value of deep sleep, and how getting more sleep (with this sleep stage in the mix) can benefit your life.





Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

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